Hey! Welcome to the site. You’ve made it to the very first post! Thanks for being here with us and we hope you enjoy the adventure as we go along on this journey of working on our houses and all the interesting stuff along the way. We hope you stick around and join us for
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A couple of times we’ve had some major clogging issues. Sometimes it’s been hair in the trap, gunk in the pipes, or even oil in the kitchen sink because sometimes people don’t listen to advice on not pouring grease down the drain. I hear there are people that go straight to the liquid drain chemicals, but if it’s not used properly they can cause some damage to the pipes. The better way is to use various tools to try and manually clear the clog. Read on to find out the right tools for the job. First before trying any of the tools, let’s see if we can try any of the conventional tips.
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Abode is a DIY security system which can be self-monitored, or professionally monitored. With self monitoring, the system has integration with Google, Alexa, and Homekit, but with as little as $6/month Abode can be integrated into other home automation systems such as Home Assistant. The real value comes in when going to the Pro monitoring.
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Rain barrels have many benefits. They are Eco friendly by saving water. Saved water can be used for plants, gardens, or lawns. And when municipal water sources are talking about droughts, rain barrels will help with the water supply. And they will help save on bills by reducing the amount of water used for daily usage. Rain barrels also help with storm water management by diverting water that could potentially run off the property and flood the local storm water drains, and also help with preventing erosion. Read on to see how you can set up your own rain barrels.
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For a while now I’ve been trying to fully switch over from the SmartThings ecosystem over to Home Assistant.
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Composting is a process of decomposition of organic materials which breaks down into a dark brown crumbly “earthy” substance that can be used to supplement and provide rich nutrients to soil. Some useful items that can be composted such as leftovers or vegetable scraps, which usually goes into the trash can could be diverted to
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