September 22, 2021


Hey.  Another quick update.  This time on the weird accent wall color choice in the stairwell.


Sometimes I try and think why the previous owner would paint the walls this color.  I've heard in the past that green is a calming color... it looks healthy and alive... but whatever color this is... it's not flattering to the house.

Stairwell Before | Credit: John

Stairwell Before | Credit: John

So all it took was one afternoon, some paint, and some beer, and erased the wall like it never happened.

Stairwell After | Credit: John

Stairwell After | Credit: John

I'm not sure about you, but I find this wall much more relaxing after doing 2 layers of paint and covering up all the green.  I still have to go over a few parts like the corners, the other walls, and then the ceiling as well, but I'm going to leave that to another day.

Let me know what you think in the comments!

Tags: Paint, Stairs
About the Author


John is one of the editors and helped start up the website. He's a DIY handyman and likes working on automating stuff for the smart home - smart? lazy?... or both!

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