We usually have a lot of parties or gatherings here at the house. Most of the events or gatherings usually start in the early afternoon and more and more people come as the time continues. The sun sets and the backyard gets darker, but the party continues. It's time to switch on the lights. Backyards typically don't have the best lighting to continue the evening and continue the good vibes that you’ve set earlier in the day, especially once you start to move away from the sconce lamp attached next to the house back door. Here at BB we’ve gathered some great and cheap ideas to keep the party going.
Sitting outside you get the fresh air and the great outdoors, but you're fully exposed to the mosquito pests. Having them bite your ankles, arms, or anywhere on you is going to ruin your evening. These Thermacell Mosquito repellant lanterns are extremely effective against mosquitos. Recently we've been getting a lot of the ankle biters and had a night where I got bit 8 times all over my leg and arms. A few days later I put one of these on while wearing shorts, and no bug bites whatsoever. The LED lamp also gives off a soft white light that lights up the immediate area. Put this on in the center of your group and you can enjoy a bite free evening.

It's great when you have lights that come on automatically once the darkness sets in, so solar powered lights are a great option. These fairy lights help create some accent lighting with anything nearby - plants, books, photos, etc. - even if they're not outside. It's great they they already come with the glass jars, so it's ready to run right out of the box. We'll be trying these in a few locations. Here we have these in a container filled with pebbles, but we plan on hanging these higher onto our wooden posts that are keeping the string lights elevated. They could also work hanging from a tree.
When creating the outdoor feel you can't forget string lights that can run across the backyard or the patio. Warm Colored light are better than the pure white lights to create that welcoming and inviting look, especially on those cooler days. These have bulbs that are lightweight, waterproof, and shatterproof, not to mention they save electricity since they're LED. We have a few of these in the back at both Avalon and Nimbus. At Avalon, we have this stringed along the fence line held up with good old reliable zip ties. At Nimbus, we created a base with wine barrel planters and bolted down 4x4 posts to hold up the lights.
Walking down a pathway at night without guiding light can lead you off the path, bumping into something or maybe stepping onto a wet lawn. Ground lights help guide the way, and these also have the warm yellow lights that help create the inviting feeling. Put it in an area without a lot of shade cover. We put some of these in the walkway leading up to the front door, which only gets direct sunlight for only 3 hours in the day, but they're still able to pump out light for hours. They're quick to set up, you never have to worry about electricity or charging them, and for us they typically last until midnight or longer.
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